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Alt_Img_Tate is an alternative way of looking at an art
gallery's online image.
shows the gallery as
writing that normally goes unnoticed.
randomly searches the Tate Modern web site looking for "alt" tags.
These are the texts that appear while a picture is loading or if the user has opted not to load graphics whilst browsing. Alt_Img_Tate searches through the hundreds of web pages in the Tate site. It selects one and then selects a random "alt" tag. If no tag is found it will display "No_Alt_Tag". (If it cannot open a web page it displays "PLEASE_WAIT..." and tries again.) It shows a new tag every few seconds.
should open fullscreen
when you click the link. To get back here, Alt_Img_Tate uses some of HtmlImgAltTextExtract.pl by Andrew Hardwick, http://duramecho.com. Released under GNU Public Licence. |