Home About Contact Links Work CV |
in-vacua.com is the website of Wayne Clements. It began in 2003. updated march.25 I suggest you start with the 'Work' tab above, or the newer links below |
info |
feb.25 |
Circles and Waves ...a book visual poems, Developed as part of The Wild Pansy Press Writers' Room residency |
apr.24 |
Adam makes Wayne's Jigsaw ...as part of a residency at The Wild Pansy Press Writers' Room |
oct.21 |
Weather Poems New from Red Ceilings Press |
sept.21 |
A Pictorial Glossary of Rhetoric A book collaboration with Simon Lewandowski |
28.aug-26.sept.21 |
The Wells Art Contemporary 2021 Drawing on paper Wells Cathedral |
19.nov-31.dec.20 |
The Discerning Eye Three works on paper London - online exhibition |
2.nov.20-3.jan.21 |
Bath Society of Artists Open Exhibition Two works on paper Victoria Art Gallery, Bath |
recent |
drawings on paper New page added to this website online gallery |
sept.20 |
poems After Mao
Erotoplasty (poetry magazine) |
july.20 |
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
conference paper: Resuscitating a Dead Rabbit Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2020) |
to dec.20 |
NewMediaFest2020 Soundwork: 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome' |
new! |
Grey Rabbit and Nocturne New software art Generate a text! |
14-24.nov.19 |
The Discerning Eye A work on paper The Mall Gallery, London |
13.sep-10.nov.19 |
The Westmorland Landscape Prize Two works on paper The Rheged Centre, Penrith |
march-june.19 |
Web-Retro Exhibition at SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art |
oct.18 |
From, A Country Diary A new book of poetry, published by Knives Forks Spoons, Oct 2018 |
15-25.nov.18 |
The Discerning Eye Two works on paper The Mall Gallery, London |
21.apr.18 |
sound/text performance at the Non-normative bookfair, 'T.Chances', Tottenham, London |
15.apr.18 |
sound/text performance with Jonathan Mann at COLLUSION ALTERNATIVE POETRY & MUSIC MICROFESTIVAL, Grow, Hackney, London |
2018 |
SOUNDmigration soundworks watch this space for more... |
nov.17 |
Cordite magazine 'from Anatomies of Melancholy' a poem in Cordite's 'Mathematics' edition |
21.oct.17 |
Harvest Film Festival Lower Hewood Farm |
recent |
soundwork A page added to this website Has links to soundworks on SoundCloud. Free listening |
dec.16 |
Kenya A book of poetry, published by Veer, Dec 2016 (with Antony John and Johan de Wit) |
28-30.oct.16 |
MozFest, 2016 Ravensbourne, London |
opens 1.nov.16 |
Drawing Utopias Iklectik Gallery, London |
12-14.july.16 |
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
conference paper: Poetry Beyond the Turing Test Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2016) |
feb.16 |
Lives of the Saints My new poetry book, published by Red Ceilings Press, Feb 2016 |
oct.15 |
The Art of Typewriting My work is in The Art of Typewriting, published by Thames and Hudson, October 2015 |
april.15 |
VLAK magazine manifesto a poem by me and work by many others |
may.15 |
mutesound's 1 minute autohypnosis project gero nimo zyx track 16 of the 28th cd |
recent |
Always Follow the Instructions: Rules and Rule Following in Visual Art My old PhD thesis from 2005 It's about text machines mainly |
13-16.nov.14 |
no.wiktionary and (stop press) Google Badwords Piksel 2014 Bergen |
recent |
Some video work A page added to this website Includes a link to VALE, a video accepted for the Electronic Poetry Center's dance event in Jan 2015 |
recent |
Art and Software Entropy published by CHArt Written in 2009 and here finally It won't last! |
24.sep. - 1.dec.13 |
Les litteratures numeriques d'hier a demain Labo BnF | BnF Francois-Mitterand I have a version of 'love2' in this |
17-20.june.13 |
Conference E-Poetry, Kingston University. 'Dear Wayne, Congratulations! We're delighted to let you know your proposal for "PAGEs" has been accepted for E-Poetry 2013 Kingston-London.' |
8.feb.13 |
Exhibition Visual Poetics, Poetry Library, Southbank Centre London |
6.feb.13 |
Launch The Dark Would anthology at the Poetry Library, Southbank Centre London |
21.aug.12 |
Reading From my new book Archeus at the Kraak Gallery, Manchester |
5.june.12 |
Archeus My new book of poetry and drawings from Depart |
The Best and Worst of Possible Worlds
26-27.may.12 |
Poetry and Revolution
conference paper: The return of what has been forgotten Birkbeck |
31.march.2012 |
poetry event Maintenant camarade |
spring/summer12 |
Archeus A New Book from Depart |
26-27.may.12 |
Poetry and Revolution
conference paper: The return of what has been forgotten Birkbeck |
14-23.feb.12 |
Anti Social Not Working
Artefact Festival 2012 logo_wiki, and The Best and Worst of Possible Worlds, in Leuven |
17-20.nov.11 |
Piksel 2011 Bergen |
aug.11 |
Western Philosophy
Published by The Knives Forks and Spoons Press Book launch: Curzon Cinema Soho, 7pm, 31st August. |
2011 |
at Herbarium. (Reading Event 22nd July 11) |
2011 |
The Best and Worst of Possible Worlds
apr.11 onwards |
Visit my new poetry blog |
18-21.nov.10 |
PikselSavers |
16.sept-19.oct.10 |
The Bethnal Green Mystery
at Gooden Gallery's 24 Seven |
now |
CUTS_TEST With project.arnolfini |
22-26.sept.10 |
Feralface Drawings at Benderspace |
2010 |
Clerical Work Published by Veer |
2010 |
Triangulating artworlds in, Art Practice in a Digital Culture Published by Ashgate |
25-28.mar.10 |
Pixelache love2 in Helsinki |
1-5.mar.10 |
After the Net(3)
Toluca Tecnologico de Monterrey |
2-7.march.10 |
chmod+xART love2 in Groningen |
26.jan-6.feb.10 |
Rainy Day Activites at CRUNCHTIME |
7-13.dec.09 |
make art love2 in Poitiers |
4-11.dec.09 |
Pixxelpoint The Best and Worst of Possible Worlds in Nova Gorica |
nov.09 |
Archive of the Now
Some of my poetry recordings here |
12-13.nov.09 |
Object and Identity in a Digital Age CHArt TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Presentation: Art and Software Entropy, London |
12.sept-23.oct.09 |
After the Net(2) logo_wiki Plymouth |
18-25.apr.09 |
ENTER - 4th International Art/Science/Technology Festival IOU.s in Prague |
18.mar-31.aug.09 |
'Tag ties and affective spies' IOU.s at The National Gallery of Contemporary Art, Athens |
jan.09 |
One Hundred Things With Handles Book publication |
26-28.nov.08 |
"It's a parasite!" ART TECH MEDIA CORDOBA 0.8 |
nov.08 |
corps_checker at project.arnolfini pinging the corporate sponsor |
12-20.Sept.08 |
MIRFestival logo_wiki in Athens |
5-29.June.08 |
After the Net at Observatori logo_wiki, 9th Festival Internacional de Investigacion Artistica de Valencia |
4-30.June.08 |
Digital Words at Espacio Movistar in Barcelona unwiki_es |
5-14.May.08 |
Rencontres Madrid at El Aguila The Most Wanted |
May.08 |
antisocial notworking at
Futuresonic in Manchester logo_wiki |
23-30.Nov.07 |
Paris The Most Wanted |
15-18.Nov.07 |
re:place The Second International Conference on the Histories of Media, Art, and Technology |
Sept-Oct.07. |
the Window Project neutral3 |
28-30.June.07 |
Network Theory The Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam |
Winter.06-07 | aminima 19
magazine (Includes essay: 'Infernal Thunder'. Spanish/English) |
Winter.06-07 | ars
electronica presentation (mp3 of talk from 2006. 24 minutes) |
Winter.06-07 | InterCommunication
No 59 (Magazine. Includes an interview...in Japanese) |
23.Sept.06. Released Oct.06 | Podcast
of Artist's
talk: If you ever wondered what I was talking about, or would like to find out, here is an artist's talk given in Tokyo at the ICC Gallery. 43 mins. |
Released Oct.06 | Short Interview in Tokyo |